Boys and Girls Club Gazette


New Crop of Library Users is Born

Children’s librarian Rebecca Porter with a new crop of patrons
Children’s librarian Rebecca Porter with a new crop of patrons

Members of the Boys & Girls Club’s Education and Technology Center took a walking field trip over the winter break to the Laguna Beach Public Library.

Rebecca Porter, the director of children’s literature, explained the library system and  challenged the children in a scavenger hunt to find library resources. She concluded by reading a story and assisting them obtain their own library cards.


A Day On Instead of a Day Off

Club members Gabrielle F. and Jackson K. volunteer to prepare a meal for Friendship Shelter residents.
Club members Gabrielle F. and Jackson K. volunteer to prepare a meal for Friendship Shelter residents.

The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was honored through deed on Monday, Jan. 20, as some Laguna Beach youths spent their day-off feeding and assisting others.

The Torch Club, a leadership and service group of 11 to 13 year olds within the Boys & Girls Club, this year partnered with the Friendship Shelter of Laguna Beach to coordinate the MLK Day of Service.

Eight youths prepared a meal of hamburgers and ravioli for 25 Friendship Shelter residents.

“Our Torch Club members are inspired by Dr. King’s lessons of compassion and community-building,” said Christina Pellecchia, program coordinator and Torch Club advisor.

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