LBUSD and LagunaTunes Make Music Together



I want to thank the LBUSD for helping LagunaTunes Community Chorus resolve a scheduling problem with the Artists’ Theatre.

The size of our chorus and popularity of our concerts has grown to the point where St. Mary’s Church is no longer a viable venue for our performances. Despite following proper application protocol procedures in the past, we have been unable to reserve a space in the Artists’ Theatre.  Thankfully, that all changed this last week!  As a result of efforts by Betsy Jenkins and Ketta Brown, LBUSD school board members, and emails sent to other members of the school board, I happily received a phone call from Sherine Smith, LBUSD Superintendent, informing me that we could perform our spring concert in the Artists’ Theatre.

LagunaTunes is a community chorus, which receives funding from the Laguna Beach Cultural Arts Foundation and the Festival of the Arts Foundation to support our mission of experiencing the joy of singing.  Anyone is welcome to join our group, with no auditions required.

Our spring concert on Sunday, June 8, will feature popular songs and music from the ‘60s, a live band, and the Artists’ Theatre will be the perfect venue.

Thank you LBUSD for giving us this opportunity.  Here’s hoping we can continue to make music together in the future!

Gary Greene

The author is LagunaTunes’ publicity coordinator.

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