Shelter Supporters Deserve Kudos



Our Laguna Beach Animal Shelter was decimated in the recent rains. We lost nearly everything from electronics to paperclips. And, once again, people have been there to help us. I want to thank as many as I can.

The Animal Control officers came in on their days off. Although it was too late for our rabbit and chickens, they rescued the dogs and cats from the mud and water. Shelter staff have worked hard to pull things back together, save anything we have left and get us re-organized.

Our volunteers have been doing whatever is needed of them: housing the cats, laundry, cleaning up the bits and pieces, all those little things that are essential. Special thanks go to Rachel Basmaciyan, Sue Mailman, Sally Schoof, Dave Schreck, and Robert Tapper.

Orange County Animal Control was right there in the mud with us on the day of the flooding to help in any way they could. Mission Viejo Animal Shelter has taken in our dogs and Irvine Animal Care Center is taking any impounds that arrive.

Jim Beres, the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter supervisor, has been striving to get us re-supplied, making sure the community knows our status, and bringing lunch on the heaviest cleanup day. Brynne Van Putten helped pull the animals from the mud and has been doing a myriad of tasks to get us up and running again. And Darcy Cramer kept all the volunteers apprised of the latest news about what was happening where.

I also want to thank those of you who have been giving special donations to the shelter. They are much appreciated.

It will be a long haul, but our Laguna Beach Animal Shelter will return because of the efforts of these terrific people. Thank you, everyone!

Synthia Scofield, Laguna Beach

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