Anti-Smoking Efforts Provide Some Assurance



As we enter an even dryer than normal fall and winter, I would like to extend a huge thank you to all those who pressed for increased fines for smoking near Alta Laguna Park, and the surrounding open space. At the top of the list of those to thank is councilperson Toni Iseman, for driving hard on this issue, and allowing police and fire officials to have some teeth with real fire prevention. The increase in fines to $1,000, along with the added signs and increased vigilance by police is a real deterrent for those who may be thinking about lighting up.

Now, when TOW neighbors are walking their dogs around the park and open spaces, they can point to the signage if they see people smoking in a non-smoking area. On several occasions, those folks have gotten up and left, not wanting to pay the huge fines.

Fire safety and prevention is on all of our minds here at Top of the World. We are extremely grateful for any and all the help we get in protecting our homes and families.

Carey Strombotne, Laguna Beach

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