A Sweet Incentive Assists a Woman in Need

Analisa Andrus with her niece and nephew.
Analisa Andrus with her niece and nephew.

Laguna Beach local Analisa Andrus manages the self-sufficiency program that helps homeless adults rebuild their lives at Friendship Shelter. Now she is in need herself.

She suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, a degenerative, genetic neuromuscular disease that currently has no cure. Family and friends are about two-thirds to their $40,000 goal to help Andrus pay for uninsured medical expenses for a stem cell transplant, which can slow down the progression of the disease. Those who make a donation of $20 or more at Dolce Gelato, 247 Broadway St., through Thursday, Dec. 4, will receive a free gelato.

Andrus has been accepted for the procedure with Beike Biotech at the Better Being Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. This type of treatment is not currently offered in the U.S., says a statement from Andrus’ mother.

The $40,000 fundraising effort is established through HelpHOPELive, which has provided fundraising guidance to patients and their families for 30 years. All donations are tax deductible and are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southwest Stem Cell Transplant Fund for transplant-related expenses only.

For credit card contributions, please visit www.helphopelive.org and search for Analisa Andrus or call 800.642.8399.


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