Street Art Should Not Receive Retroactive Approval



This letter also went to the city manager and elected officials.

I am writing regarding the article in the Laguna Beach Independent Sept. 4, covering the unpermitted and unapproved eyesore that has recently been painted just north of Boat Canyon on Coast Highway. The graffiti work at this location is not “CHARMING” and the City Council should not even consider an “after the fact” approval.

Art aspect aside, Ben Eine and his associate make it clear that they have little respect for our city and the rules by which the community has successfully maintained a high standard not only for art but our sign and building codes that make Laguna special. From the article, it seems clear the graffiti is done on a lark regardless of consequences. Eine concedes if city officials want to take it down because he hasn’t gone through the proper approval permitting process, “fine, paint it over,” he said dismissively. Again Eine shows his irresponsible approach and contempt for our rules and the graffiti itself and would expect the city to be the responsible party to foot the bill to “paint it over”.

This is exactly the reason we have codes and rules to operate by. Unlike the art the city has displayed throughout the community and has a long term commitment to maintaining, after his one night stand he will be down the road spray painting other walls of the unsuspecting, like it or not.

Ann Larson, assistant director of community development, in that article endorses the artist and the unpermitted work and giving it the status of a painting permit, which it is not, was inappropriate. From the response of others in town, Ms. Larson couldn’t be more incorrect to say “the community would be excited.” We are not. Basically Ms. Larson is giving the nod to anyone with a spray can without any consideration for the rules.

Our city deserves better. Once we allow the approval process to be subverted there are many blank walls in town and our city will take on a new and ever-lasting look of freeway overpasses and subway tunnels.

I am requesting the City Council follow it’s own municipal code guidelines and deny approval of this unpermitted, unapproved eyesore. Asking forgiveness and not permission is not the norm for our city and nor should it be. This is a precedent-setting decision, one that that will affect our community for years to come if not carefully thought out.

Jerry Carminio, Laguna Beach

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  1. Building codes are the only thing we need government regulation for. Public safety dictates that structures get a permit and inspections. But painting your wall? Politicians aren’t required or qualified to regulate artistic taste. The only exceptions to that would be messages of physical violence and child protection. These standards of course can be decided on a community by community basis. They do not require government oversight of any significance.


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