Ingenuity Might Address Housing for the Homeless



I suggest that the homeless committee, City Council and others consider building a “homeless” city at Big Bend in the canyon. By using shipping containers (a good one is about $2,000) which are sturdy, do not rust, and are being used to construct multiple story buildings (homes, offices, even a senior center, etc.) all over the world.  They are easily converted to a single residence with its own deck entry.

Perhaps Transition Laguna or the Garden Club could construct vegetable/flowering gardens, which the resident must agree to keep up and use. These “homes” can be transitional and would encourage and give an opportunity to a homeless person who is committed to re-integrate into society in a safe place where they can build living skills by maintaining their own environment.

These containers are not moveable once placed on property. Many could be positioned in this area. A common building could also be constructed as well as a place to wait for transportation. I think that this can be done fairly quickly and these containers are readily available in Long Beach. Google container housing and you will be pleasantly surprised at the ingenious and beautiful uses clever folks have come up with.

This would be a long-term solution as these “homes” can last up to 30 years and need minimal maintenance; the exterior can be painted by the “owner” or as an art student project. That land is sitting out there with no one using it, especially since the historical houses Village Laguna wanted to preserve have finally been moved away as no one wanted them and they finally deteriorated beyond repair.

Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach


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  1. A homeless CITY? With vegetable/flowering gardens? Sure,and a swimming pool and spa would be nice, too.

    Has everyone lost their minds?


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