Uncivil Behavior Antagonizes Neighborhoods



As a Sunset Street South Laguna homeowner I read the excellent “Visitors Overwhelm South Laguna Beaches” story (July 22) with interest.

But one overlooked item: the takeover of the streets all the way up to the hem of the greenbelt, where out-of-towners affectionately known as “909-ers”, park their cars and leave their garbage (they are particularly fond of Jack in the Box, Burger King, Diet Coke, Corona Lite and poop filled baby diapers) on our street every other morning.

Our cars have been hit by “out of town” parkers five times in the last three years and last year my wife came home to find a guy pissing in our garden, his humble populater in one hand and his cell phone in the other. When my wife told him to stop it, his answer, “why?” did not seem to cover the issue.

Last year I met with a very nice Laguna Beach city manager who very nicely informed me she totally sympathized and in fact had moved out of South Laguna because she didn’t want to live with the zoo either, but that likely nothing could be done because the Coastal Commission, which she said basically answers to no one, insists that the “public” have unfettered access to the beach.

And when I wrote to Laguna Beach Councilwoman Toni Iseman with the same concerns, I got a note back saying, basically, ditto.

Meanwhile, South Laguna has become a full time zoo and I wonder what it will take short of a class action lawsuit against the city to solve the problem.


Mark Christensen, Laguna Beach

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  1. Maybe porta-pottys can be ordered or a new kind of automated guard dog that hugs and pumps the trespasser leg while inside private property markers, I haven’t encountered many real dogs that are accustomed to performing this act as if it was bred out some species, perhaps an identified gene can help to eliminate public one handed urination behavior from humans?

  2. Although I sympathize with your struggles over visitors leaving their trash or urine near your home, you lost me at “909-ers”. I’ve been a resident of Laguna for over a decade but I was born and raised in “The 909” and I assure you I’ve never left a dirty diaper anywhere but in a trash can. The 909 is home to many upscale neighborhoods with upscale residents. Millionaires choose to live there….in multi-million dollar homes. There are fantastic colleges and wonderful communities. So in the future, please consider how you label your unwanted visitors. You are perpetuating a stereotype that I find offensive. The people that left trash behind are rude people….you don’t know where they came from…just label them “rude people” next time.


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