Is 6 Million Enough?



According to Mayor Steve Dicterow’s State of the City address on May 12, the City of Laguna Beach has approximately 23,000 residents and 6 million visitors per year. Some say increasing the number of tourists is good because it will increase sales tax revenue from shops and businesses.

According to the city’s on-line budget under revenue page 8, we receive $5 million from sales tax and $30 million from property taxes and income from property taxes is 54% of the total general budget. That means we receive .83 cent per tourist verses $1,304 per resident or six times more income from the residents than the tourists.

Important facts to remember when making decisions that impact the quality of life in Laguna.

Judy Baker, Laguna Beach


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  1. Important consideration when voting in November for City Council who control the budget & taxes for this small town.

    City government demonstrate they are inclined to spend our tax dollars to support more tourist & day trippers by widening roads to allow increased speed without demonstrating similar concerted effort to create safe multi use pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists.

    This city has had far too many fatalities of pedestrian, bicyclist & motorist.


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