Connecting Laguna Without Automobiles



Multi-use paths serve an alternative to the automobile roadway for connecting Laguna’s outlying communities with downtown.

South Laguna, Canyon Acres, Sun Valley, and North Laguna neighborhoods would benefit from multi-use paths for pedestrians and recreational bikes. Every pedestrian or recreational bike rider removes a roadway car and frees up one parking space for those of us who must drive. That is the strategy behind Complete Streets serving a modality of roadway users.

Let’s test the concept, re-purpose the existing pathway from Canyon Acres to the village entrance as a multi-use path. Some council members oppose multi-use paths because they say collisions between riders and pedestrians are inevitable. Equipped with fat-tires, recreational bikes travel much slower than the Spandex variety and handlebar bells offer a pleasant warning to pedestrians on approach. Council members should recognize recreational bikes will serve town-trippers from Laguna neighborhoods with an alternative to driving and help relieve traffic congestion. Build it and they will come.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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