Police Priorities Disregard Local Culture



Who’s idea was it to hire a police chief from out of town. City Manager John Peitig?

Historically, Laguna Beach has had better chiefs when they were promoted within the department. Chief Laura Farinella was a assistant chief in Long Beach. She came to Laguna telling us that the delivery of marijuana to people’s front door step was questionable, even though hundreds of Laguna residents have used “pot” since the days of the “hippies.”

Now she has unleashed her undercover cops on art galleries and in November had them issue seven tickets for serving complimenatary alcoholic drinks.

Decades ago we had a former, “outsider” and ex-marine police chief named Kelly. He entrapped people using undercover recording equipment and was later run out of town. If Ms. Farinella’s hiring was the idea of city manager Pietig, he should resign because city hall has turned into a revolving door with a constant departure of employees.

See the huge number of letters to the editor in this week’s, Dec. 2, Laguna Beach Independent.com. People are fed up with Farinella. It’s time for her to retire and collect her cushy $15,000 plus a month retirement.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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