Proponent or Provocateur?



I read with great interest Jennifer Zeiter’s guest column in the Indy, Jan. 27 edition.

My wife and I and my brother and his wife were at the Women’s March on Saturday, Jan. 21. We were standing holding our signs by the Greeter’s Restaurant. We witnessed Ms. Zeiter walking back and forth on the sidewalk with her big American flag on its long pole holding her pro Trump sign.

As Ms. Zeiter approached our position, we witnessed her move toward the old guy wearing the black fleece Apple jacket. She bumped the old guy in the head several times with her flag pole. At first I thought she knew the old guy and was kidding around. The old guy angrily pushed the flagpole away from his head each time. Finally she draped the flag over his head and then the old guy pushed the flag downward and stepped back. The flag never touched the ground. Ms. Zeiter then began to scream at the old guy, telling him, “… my son had died in Iraq for your freedoms.” It was then that Ms. Zeiter saw a Laguna Beach police officer and she rushed over to him, demanding the old guy be arrested for assault. The Laguna Beach police officer told her to stop hitting people with her flag.

Visibly angry at the police officer, Ms. Zeiter moved north on the sidewalk with her flag on its long flagpole. I followed Ms. Zeiter thinking she might be a provocateur. Sure enough when people would jeer Ms. Zeiter as she walked by, she would scream at the marchers by saying, “… my son had died in Iraq for your freedoms!” Every time she turned around to walk the other way on the sidewalk, Ms. Zeiter’s flag or pole or both would either bump into a marcher’s head or the flag would be purposely draped over a marcher.

It is my opinion, Ms. Zeiter with clear intent was trying to provoke the marchers. Ms. Zeiter’s guest column, I believe, was also a wonderful exposition of alternative facts. Ms. Zeiter claims to be an attorney. Perhaps she may appreciate the great defense attorney Clarence Darrow’s counsel, “The pursuit of truth will set you free; even if you never catch up with it.”


T.C. Borelli, Laguna Beach


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  1. Thank you Mr. Borelli for your account. Upon reading Ms Zeitner’s column last week I was sympathetic to her position–people holding opposing views to the those at the Women’s March event should be treated respectfully. When she said that she walked along the periphery, I assumed that she meant the sides and the back of the crowd. Then I saw the photo of her in front of the “marchers” and could see that it was she who was not respectful. As the marchers were there first, her presence in front of them was rude and, as Mr. Borelli says, provocative. From what Mr. Borelli has said, I consider her behavior to be aggressive.

  2. Borelli’s letter is obviously that of a veteran protester, and smells like he is covering for his friend’s poor actions, the one in the apple logo sweater, who dishonored the American flag. Maybe it is Tyrone that actually had that apple on his sweater. Mr. Borelli has proven he is not above radical acts at protests he has attended. Hitting a police officer in the head with an orange sounds like the act of a peaceful individual. I think not. Your credibility is zero! Perhaps t.y. should follow his own advice on Clarence Darrow’s counsel! Might I mention the wonderful behavior recently exhibited at UC Berkley? Is this what we really want to promote as Patriots of The United States of America? I think not.

    I find the courage of Ms. Zeiter executing her rights at the march to be refreshing. It’s common for some to follow a crowd without knowing why. There was really no clear reason for the march. Many were asked and could not articulate an answer. Seems as though the lure of a “women’s rights” march really was only a facade for the real purpose of the march which was to bash President Trump. Women’s rights in the USA exceed that of any other country. This march was really about intolerance of anyone who doesn’t agree with the leftist agenda and liberal opinions.

  3. TC Borelli obviously objects to Ms. Zeiter’s presence, calling her a “provocateur” whose “clear intent was trying to provoke the marchers.”
    Leftists are masters of wordplay, as Borelli so clearly demonstrates. Aren’t all protest marchers “provocateurs” by definition? And hasn’t that kind of provocation been a hallmark of the Left dating back at least to the Vietnam War, 1966? The game of rioting and burning and breaking thing is rapidly coming to a close, however. District attorneys are filing federal charges of felony rioting, punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

    Borelli closed with more word games by Clarence Darrow, about being freed by the truth even if you never catch up with it. How silly that assertion is. The Left has never caught up and will never catch up with the truth, and can never be freed by it. The Leftist routine of calling their opponents “fascists,” “racists,” “Nazis,” “misogynists,” and “homophobes” is reprehensible, condescending, and most of all, dishonest, “depending on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.

  4. Jay, Jay, Jay…. yes I bounced an orange off a Fullerton TAC squad officer at a CSC Fullerton Vietnam anti war demo almost exactly 47 years ago. I guess that makes me a “veteran” demonstrator.

    Jay, Jay, Jay….you were not at the demo on Main Beach. You said as much in your rant on the website Neighbors Coast Royale when you threatened to beat up the old guy for throwing the American flag on the ground, stomping on it, then spitting on it. Something which Jennifer told you and you fell for hook, line, and sinker. Please Jay, do your self and the rest of us a favor and write about things you know something about.

    John, John, John …marchers, demonstrators, and protesters are people without institutional power trying to get the attention of the professionally powerful because the professionally powerful are ignoring we little folks. And in a republic we little folks don’t like being ignored and taken for granted.. Ergo we demonstrate.

    What I find alarming and insidious at the same time is how the right wingers like Jay and John identify with Trumps State. Why would they do such a thing? Because it is the safe thing to do. It takes no courage to stand with Trumps State. It takes no courage to sing the praises of the institutionally powerful. The folks on Main Beach displayed great courage demonstrating their opposition to Trumps reactionary State. Jennifer, Jay, and John demonstrated great cowardice associating themselves with the powerful instead of the powerless.

  5. tyrone…again you are in the wrong on many levels. As you are very well aware, I never threatened to beat anyone up. More importantly you have just open yourself up for a defamation/liable lawsuit for your false inflammatory written post above.

  6. Let’s see, we have some sets of “alternative facts” here. Too much name-calling by people who, frankly, seem to have more an agenda than real knowledge of what occurred. Read Billie Fried’s letter, it makes sense in what has become an ignorant spitting contest.

  7. T.C. Borelli: “John, John, John …marchers, demonstrators, and protesters are people without institutional power trying to get the attention of the professionally powerful because the professionally powerful are ignoring we little folks. And in a republic we little folks don’t like being ignored and taken for granted.. Ergo we demonstrate.”
    Borelli, YOU LOST the ELECTION! Your “institutional power” was in full force and effect under the utterly incompetent Barack Obama for EIGHT MISERABLE YEARS! He lied, broke his promises, plunged us into extreme debt, alienated our allies, armed our enemies, and made the world and the United States far more dangerous and divisive.
    Trump has not been president for one month yet and all you Leftists can do is caterwaul and cry and lie.

    Republicans didn’t riot, and whine, and demonstrate publicly, like a bunch of loonies you show yourselves to be. Republicans didn’t dress up as vaginas and act like fools, as you extremists are doing. We got the message. Now shut up and stop driving and flying all over the place, burning millions of gallons of fossil fuel, while you screech and go crazy over “climate change.” You can’t even practice what you preach so condescendingly and dishonestly.

  8. Borelli, you never think at all. That is why you are a Leftist, like Obama and Hillary and Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and John Lewis and….


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