Seniors in Need of Affordable Housing



If you want to help a senior and have a room or small apartment to rent, call Martha Hernandez, the care manager at the Susi Q Senior Center, 715-8104.

Some seniors looking for housing can help with light chores, including gardening, house-keeping etc.

Laguna has Housing and Urban Development (HUD) housing. There are two ways to get HUD housing nationwide. One is to apply for a section eight voucher. This enables the senior to get reduced price housing in any commercial or non-profit buildings associated with HUD, but if you apply now, you may have to wait nine years for a voucher.

The second way is to signup on a waiting list at various locations across the country. Vista Aliso, a 72-apartment complex on Wesley has a waiting list, but it is a seven-year wait and closed right now.

Other complexes may have a shorter waiting list. There are seniors seeking housing right now. Some have lived in Laguna off an on for years. Call Ms. Hernandez if you can help.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach


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