Disagreement Over Poet Laureate Selection



Mark (Chamberlain) and I were both surprised and upset to hear that Kate Buckley was selected as the first poet laureate of Laguna Beach.

We assumed that John Gardiner was not only a shoe-in for this prize, but that he deserves it for his many years of inspiring, beguiling and entertaining Lagunans with his readings, as well as his mentoring of other poets and aspiring writers all over town and beyond.

He told me a month or so ago that if he were chosen, he would lead many more workshops, as well as give additional readings. In fact, he has been a mentor to the winner of the prize, Kate Buckley, who, as far as we can tell, spends her days marketing and writing essays and only occasionally writes poetry.

I’ve read some of her poetry online, and while it is okay, it lacks the kind of depth, insights and commentary about the world that many of us inhabit. I suspect that the decision to award the prize to her was in part political.

There is so much injustice in the world right now that it is dispiriting to find out about this dramatically unjust decision. I have spoken to many people about this decision, and they are equally surprised and even irate.


Liz Goldner, Laguna Beach

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