Only Hate is Unwelcome Here



Our beautiful and friendly city annually welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world.  We welcome all ethnicities, religions, sexual preferences, economic backgrounds, ages, clubs, groups, etc.  We have proven through the years a supportive and caring community. We are a city of incredibly talented, creative, open-minded and happy individuals.

So, when I heard a hate rally is being planned in our community on the heels of the horrific tragedy in Charlottesville, my heart became saddened.

We pride ourselves in being unified and an equality-based community.

I want to convey to those in the rally that hate is not welcome here.

Cherish Craig, Laguna Beach


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  1. Wanting our state and country to uphold the laws, immigration in this case is not hate, it’s wanting our laws inforced. Unless of course you are talking about the counter protesters, I agree we don’t want or need their hate anywhere in this county

  2. Fred there are (as far as we know) 11 million undocumented workers in this country. The overwhelming majority contribute to the economy without getting anything in return. If they are here illegally, they cannot get social security numbers or heath care policies; they cannot even get a license.

    How do you propose we find people who are not here legally if they never commit a crime or. traffic violation. A sincere question; they won’t show up on a database anywhere.

    You also have to take issue wth the small businesses who hire them so as to make a bigger profit and get out of going them benefits.

    The protests are not going to stop and they have been overwhelmingly peaceful. You can always point to one skirmish started on one side or the other but you are jus throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    and anarchists have no allegiance to anything so they belong to both sides.


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