Left Attacks Right



Many thanks for the outstanding work of LBPD for crowd control at the America First rally Aug. 20.

Fortunately the leftist fear mongering of “white supremacists” invading never materialized. Exercising an abundance of caution, LBPD acted appropriately, better safe than sorry.

Only one assault arrest was made, and it came from the left. R.C. Maxwell, wearing a MAGA shirt, was sucker punched while giving an interview. Fortunately the thug was caught on video and charged with battery and a hate crime. In a video posted at Bear Witness Central, Maxwell said “I think the fact that I’m a black conservative causes a lot of problems for the left side because there’s no way they can really resolve that according to their narrative of what they think Trump supporters are. Dialogue is being shut down and free speech is being attacked and it’s being attacked by so called peaceful protesters under the name anti fascists.”

Exactly right. For the left there is only peace, love and free speech if you support their agenda. All others are attacked as racist, fascist, etc. Amazing how putting the interests of your own country and its people first gets hijacked by the left who attempt to make “nationalist” a dirty word.

Reading the NextDoor posts of those organizing the Saturday rally their leftist agenda was clear. Laguna’s opportunistic partisan mayor, in early campaign mode, showed up to lead the charge declaring those who rallied on Saturday were “the real Laguna.” Huh? Had Toni Iseman truly been interested in uniting Laguna against hatred, she would have condemned hatred from all sides. Dressed in black with masked faces, the fringe leftist group Antifa, which claims to be anti-fascist, promotes violence and is a domestic terrorist organization, and should be called out as such. But no one on the left will do so.

Iseman, who was depicted online in a cartoon in a Nazi uniform, related to support for neutering sea lions, could have used the opportunity to condemn all hate speech, including the many times President Trump has been depicted as Hitler, a Nazi and fascist. Both directed at public figures, equally as false and equally worth condemning. But Iseman didn’t.

Does hate speech only go one way, only the left can claim victim and outrage? The leftist “peaceful party” narrative is false, hell bent and designed to shut down free speech of those who don’t tow the leftist/socialist party line.

The American people rejected that narrative, they will again.


Jennifer Welsh Zeiter, Laguna Beach

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  1. God Bless You, Jennifer. You are exactly right. While mouthing the word “love,” the Left has shown itself to be truly fascist, while calling itself “Antifa”. That should really be “Antifada” for they are terrorists like those haters in the Middle East, the Intifada.

    Tony Iseman panders exclusively to the radical left, but Lagoonies vote such people in and you get the government you deserve. There is a liar in every liberal.


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