Parking Appeal Ignores Mitigating Factors



The obscured sign in question.

Near the tennis courts on Broadway known as the “Canyon courts” there is a graveled area just east of the driveway up to Tivoli Terrace. I and about five other tennis players have parked there for the past five years when we can’t find a parking spot in front of the courts, and never were ticketed because there was no “No Parking” sign in the area.

All of a sudden the city puts up a “No Parking” sign, but they put it behind a tree branch and it’s not easily seen. And naturally if you don’t see it, and park there, you’re paying a $43 fine for doing it.

The question is, did they put this sign where you cannot see it intentionally so they can issue more tickets for revenue, or are they just so uncaring and inconsiderate of citizens and visitors to their city that they thought it was too much trouble to cut the tree limb away in front of it so you could see it?

I sent in an appeal to the parking enforcement department with a photo of the tree limb in front of the sign, and got back a reply that said, “Photo taken shows violation did occur.” No mention of the photo of the obscure sign, or anything to relate to my written plea, totally ignoring the information in my letter.

Now I’m requesting an “in person” hearing in hopes of getting a rational explanation of how they can to this.


Roger Breternitz, Laguna Niguel

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