By Plane, Train or Bus?



Tuesday’s DACA announcement stirs up much more in people than what to do with 800,000 young dreamers. It provides yet another excuse to call for the deportation of 11 million immigrants, some of whom live and work in Laguna Beach.

I’m not a logistics expert, but I can add and subtract.  That said, how do you deport millions of people?  By bus or plane?  Each one of those can only hold between 100 and 300 people. By train? Maybe each one can accommodate 1,000 or more.

Given the sheer volume of people involved, it will take years, maybe decades, to send everyone packing.  I recognize it’s easy for people to say, “go home.”  The problem is it’s virtually an impossible task to accomplish.  We need to rethink this entire situation.


Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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  1. Like pension reform, you have to start somewhere. If you don’t start it can never happen and I believe both need to start yesterday.

    How can so many people continue to incorrectly refers to people in this country illegally as “Immigrants”. Please use the correct designation, Illegal Immigrant or Illegal Alien. When did it become acceptable to not follow the rule of law. I also feel it is a crime to use tax dollars from hard working people to provide legal representation for these very people that have entered our country “ILLEGALLY”. I fully support legal immigration into our country following the rules and laws in place. Does our immigration policy need to be changed? That is another discussion.

  2. Bill Clinton’s 1995 SOTU address supported “the rule of law” as he pressed for deporting illegal immigrants. The joint session of congress gave him numerous standing ovations. In 2016, Hillary Clinton said the same thing. She too supported our federal immigration laws. Barack Obama usurped his authority by overturning federal legislation for which he should have been impeached. The weak-kneed congress should have taken action against him to overturn DACA but race-baiting Democrats never tolerate any criticism of a black Democrat, only black Republicans, such as Clarence Thomas.

    The Democratic Party should be prosecuted under the RICO Act.


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