FAA Listens to Newport’s Complaints, But Not Laguna’s



Here is a link to today’s LA Times’ article stating that the FAA will change John Wayne’s course due to the complaints of the city.

And what of our city? The past two weeks have been completely unbearable. Waking every morning at 7:05 a.m. to the roar of countless planes over head, waking at 2 or 3 or 4 a.m. to the sound of jets brushing up against the rooftops and walls of our home.  The sound has worsened since the useless meeting in Corona del Mar and Laguna Niguel. The noise has been relentless since last fall.

We left Costa Mesa for many reasons including the noise and pollution from John Wayne airport. And now that noise and pollution casts a pall over Laguna Beach.

When will our relief be enacted? What steps are you actively taking to make a change for your residents (voters and taxpayers…)? And where is our article in the LA Times saying jets will fly higher and further away form the coastline as it once was?

Please take time to read the article. No mention of Laguna Beach at all.  Maybe some of you should contact the LA Times?

Theodore P Schraff III, Laguna Beach

The author lives in Arch Beach Heights.

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  1. Hello Fellow Lagunans!!!!

    As I was awoken (again) this morning Thursday October 12 at 7:05am by jet noise….I remembered that I sent this letter to the Mayor of Laguna Beach as well as our City Council members….I.Have.Heard.Nothing.From.Them.

    And THAT there may be the resounding silence that continues as we live, breathe and see flights across our big beautiful skies.

    C’mon Laguna Beach DO SOMETHING.

  2. A resident of Laguna since 1964 maybe I can offer a quick inventory of noise pollution over the decades since: Pendelton artillery, military aircraft, PCH/LCR traffic, Downtown traffic, loud motorcycles (yes Harleys), garden services, socializing coyotes, passenger aircraft, drones. Manage what you can, ignore what you can’t, the remainder is progress.


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