Hypocrisy in Stand by Tourist-Dependent Town



The Laguna Beach City Council unanimously supported a resolution opposing new fossil fuel drilling off the coast.  “We put all this energy into nuclear and space programs, it baffles me that we are not environmentally forward,” said Councilman Steve Dicterow. – (O.C. Register, Nov. 8, Local)

The very same self-styled “environmentalists” who oppose fossil fuel drilling anywhere, also oppose “all this energy (put) into nuclear.”

Watts Bar nuclear power plant was started in 1973, but did not begin producing until 1996, thanks to the left-wing nut jobs and their relentless protests, objects, and lawsuits. The River Bend plant, America’s last, was started in 1977, and went online in 1986.  So no nuclear, no fossil fuel drilling, but plenty of driving to museums, wine tastings, beach outings, Sawdust Festivals, and Pageants of the Masters.

“No way can we support old technology of drilling off our coast.” – Steve Dicterow (Ibid).

I have a question for Mr. Dicterow and the other council members.  When was the last oil spill at any Huntington Beach oil rig, anyone, anyone?   Nuclear technology is newer, but pretend enviro-saints oppose that even more vehemently than they oppose those nasty fossil fuels, which by the way are burned to provide half of America’s electricity.  “Zero emission vehicles” is simply an oxymoronic pretension of the boast-worthy.

“More than 6 million people visit the city each year for its unique coves, beaches and marine-protected area – one of only a few statewide.” – (Ibid)

Six million visitors, all driving here in autos fueled by oil purchased from foreign countries.  Dependence on foreign oil will only continue to increase if eco-hypocrites have their way.

John Jaeger, Irvine


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  1. Your post is spot on. The new council members are in the tradition of Harriet Wheeler and other sycophants that view their environment causes as a religion, and humans are always the problem. Oil built this State and continues to provide 98% of the fuel for the 340 billion miles travelled last year in this state. As there are over 6,000 primary products from a barrel of oil,I doubt any Californian could go two days without any petroleum products, probably not even a day! The State doesn’t educate anymore, it just indoctrinates, so it is no wonder the kids can’t even tell you what makes plastics,surfboards,roads,tires, computer screens and keyboards, pharmecueticals, clothing and on and on and on. These are spineless virtue signallers that the population just keeps making mistakes voting for.


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