Time to Rein in Toll Road Authority



We are beyond disgusted in Orange County that the Transportation Corridor Agencies is an out of control joint powers authority; their debt could bankrupt Orange County again.

There are less than 75 employees earning $6.5 million; the agency keeps refinancing the bonds and paying the lowest possible amount.

The toll roads already built – some should already be free since it has been over 20 years and they promised they would be free after 20 years – instead they are so heavily in debt per mile  – with no end in sight. In addition they are trying to extend an underused 241 toll road through existing neighborhoods that will do so much damage it is unspeakable.  There are two lawsuits already, however, there will be many more if the TCA continues to try and pave over our homes, schools, parks, churches and open space that is already mitigated land they have no business taking by eminent domain.

Texas had it right when they stripped the toll roads powers of eminent domain – please immediately do the same to curtail the waste and abuse of this nightmare run amok agency.

Please stop this tax payer waste and abuse now. Trips to Ireland – when we have the highest tolls in the nation. You have to be kidding me!


Michelle  Schumacher, San Clemente





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