Is It Just Me?



Is it just me that thinks the city has favored the commercial property interests over the resident homeowners?

Is it just me that thinks closing Park Avenue is a bad idea? The police say the traffic count was low, so no damage done. However, the traffic count was low because that street is used primarily by locals. It’s our relief valve, traffic wise. The city says the new park can be used to allow bar patrons to “sober up” and have allowed it to be open until 2:30 a.m. What a slippery slope. My recollection is that recently the police chief found that allowing the bars to remain open later created uniformity. That’s great! Bars open longer means more drunks later, but no worry, go to our park to sober up. Thanks.

Is it just me that is disturbed by the fact an “anonymous donor” provided $10,000 to improve the new park? That park is a city street. That is the citizens property. Who gave the money and what’s their agenda? Why is the city accepting anonymous money?

Is it just me that cannot understand why the city is proposing to spend $7 million on a village entrance and another $30 million for a parking garage? We need more tourists and day trippers? I think most residents would say no. The commercial interests would be the only ones to benefit.

Is it just me that thinks the city should be looking at the big picture, such as 1) the movie theater has been closed for years; 2) Hotel Laguna is about to close down; and 3) Irvine Company will soon build something like 1,100 apartments at the intersection of 133 and the 405?

Is it just me that feels the city is wasting our monies on closing useful streets, grand entrances and garages? I think the city needs to stop wasting our resources and use the massive tax flow for the benefit of the residents.

Is it just me that feels that a city of this caliber should have a first-rate family recreation center including indoor basketball, fitness center, rooms for yoga, pilates, spinning, etc? The city can find real estate and funds for expensive items that generally benefit the commercial interests. Why can’t those funds be applied for the benefit of the residents instead?

If it’s not just me, I suggest the residents speak up and let their concerns and wishes for the use of their tax dollars be known.

James Bridy

Laguna Beach

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