Aggressive Tactics Needed Against Smokers



I’m alarmed and angered every time I walk up to the Carolyn Wood Knoll.  More unsettling than the ever-present scourge of trash and graffiti are the many discarded cigarette butts.

Clearly, the city is falling dangerously short in protecting its citizens from the ravages of a man-made wildfire. Waiting for something to happen and then reacting is not an acceptable strategy.

Relying on signs and posted notices is obviously is not working.  Far more aggressive and proactive measures must be implemented to curtail the irresponsible behavior of some visitors to our neighborhood.

With Independence Day upon us, and the resultant surge of visitors, immediate action on the part of the city is required to head off a potential disaster.


Jerry King, Laguna Beach


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  1. “Immediate action”! “Potential disaster” ! Yes be afraid of everything, all the time. Climate change, rich people, illegal aliens being sent back home, price increases resulting from tariffs, and cigarette smokers. Just how many brush fires, Mr. King, have been caused by cigarettes? Give us the straight scoop on this, will you please? And provide verifiable references to avert what you call a “potential disaster.”


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