Pressure Builds on Rohrabacher

 A rally this week outsided Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s office in Huntington Beach. Photo by John Vitzileos

A rally this week outsided Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s office in Huntington Beach. Photo by John Vitzileos

About 35 protestors took to the streets of Huntington Beach this week to demonstrate against congressional Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, who figured in two news developments this week that drew national attention.

The race for the 48thCongressional District between Rohrabacher and Democratic challenger Harley Rouda of Laguna Beach is virtually tied, according to poll results released this week by the Monmouth University in New Jersey.

Republican registration in the district that spans coastal Orange County from Seal Beach to Laguna Niguel favors the incumbent, but enthusiastic Democrats and divided voter opinion are making this a competitive race, the polling institute announced Tuesday, July 17.

This week, a spokesman for Rohrabacher confirmed that he led a congressional delegation to Moscow in 2015 where Maria Butina arranged a meeting with a senior Russian official. Federal prosecutors this week indicted Butina for conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent.

Also this week, Rohrabacher appeared in the Showtime series “Who is America,” agreeing to a phony proposal to arm students with weapons. “Maybe having young people trained to defend themselves in their schools might make us safer here,” Rohrabacher said in the segment where comedian Sacha Baron Cohen impersonated an Israeli proponent of arming young children and duped congressional leaders into reacting to the plan.

Rohrabacher posted a response on his website. “Cohen’s people apparently used footage from an interview I submitted to earlier this year for a bogus Israeli television company supposedly celebrating the country’s 70th anniversary. In that interview, which was not with Cohen, I spoke broadly of training young people at a responsible age in self-defense. At no time did I endorse training toddlers in handling guns. Nor was the idea even presented to me directly. If it had been, I would have rejected it. In school shootings, the standard response is ‘Run, hide, fight,’ in that order. My response was perfectly consistent with that. I love good satire, but good satire must reveal some basis in truth. This was fraud, a sick fraud at that, and its intention was to deceive the American people for political purposes.”

Even so, Rouda seized the opportunity to attack his opponent. “Orange County doesn’t need a Congressional representative who supports arming kids in school with guns,” he said in a statement.

In Huntington Beach, members of the SoCal Health Care Coalition, whose members are concerned about affordable health care, sandwiched gun control and Russian meddling into their weekly protest outside Rohrabacher’s field office this week, said John Vitzileos, who works with the coalition.

Among the protestors was Tyler S. Wong, a senior at Sage High School in Newport Beach. The 17-year-old organized a political action club on campus and volunteered to assist with pre-primary candidate debates organized by Indivisible 48, a progressive activist group.

He expressed dismay over Rohrabacher’s position on school shootings. “He did not know the intention of the video, but that he is still advocating arming students is ridiculous,” said Tyler. “It’s ridiculous he thinks that’s a solution.”



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  1. 35 people….. 35 is not pressure from the populace. They are also protesting a false narrative, spun out by hack journalist.

  2. Mitch ^^^ “the troll” loves gun violence and wants the United States to become a puppet state to the new Soviets. That is why he supports Dana, Trump, and team Putin. All Ruskie loving traitors will vote for Dana, and those who oppose him will prove they love the United States and the principles of freedom, equality, and justice.

  3. Dana will win. How do I know? Because the people of his district oppose Sanctuary Cities, illegal immigration and not allowing ICE to do its job.

    Dana has been outspoken on the issue of illegal immigration and his position has been consistent for 30 years! If you want to enter this country, you must do so legally. Period.

    So the racist leadership of organizations such as “La Raza” and others are creating fake news to try to frame Dana as, of course, a secret Russian agent, or anything else that they can get to stick. Where have we seen that before?

    Don’t be fooled. Dana has served his district well for several decades. His constituents, for the most part love him, because his values are aligned with ours and his actions are consistent with those values.

    Don’t let “La Raza” fool you. Dana should win this November and Dana will win this November, because we the people of his district welcome legal immigrants and insist that illegal immigration remain, well… illegal.


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