Village Matters


Let’s Get Together and Feel All Right

ann christoph
By Ann Christoph

Let’s think about Bob Marley’s message. We’ve got a lot of divisions in our town right now, mostly between traditional Laguna advocates and those who want to renew and modernize our town—and who are ready to support many of the projects that are in the Planning and Arts Commission pipelines. These are the very projects that the Laguna advocates on the other side of the divide are deeply concerned about.

Most recently, we have the Fornes “mushrooms” art piece at the Village Entrance, and the Downtown Specific Plan and its proposed relaxation of the parking standards for new businesses and addition of second stories for market rate apartments. At the last Council, meeting the demolition of the digester building at the Village Entrance was another alarming proposal.

Our city opportunities for public participation in decision making are limited to two and three-minute statements tightly controlled by the chair. Members of the public who speak are subject to confrontation and accusations from a council member. Frustrating to the testifiers, council and commissions seem to ignore those comments. Public workshops in which there can be back and forth discussion, have been replaced by private meetings with developers and two council members. This fosters discontent and the reinforces the impression that the city is on a determined course to change our beloved Laguna Beach into Anytown, USA.

Just last weekend, I attended a historic preservation conference in Lompoc, “City of Arts and Flowers.” There was a striking difference between the old part of town, with its charming historic buildings, bungalows and landmark trees, and the rest of the city with all the standard hotels and stores that could have been anywhere. This degradation of community character is exactly what we fear happening to Laguna Beach.

Returning home, I learned of an uplifting meeting about addressing climate change held last Sunday, and how the enthusiasm of the presenters had encouraged us all to take on this pending crisis. Bob Gentry, former council member and mayor, spoke then and the following day at the Laguna Canyon Conservancy (LCC) meeting recounting the 30-year anniversary of the Laguna Canyon Walk and the eventual preservation of the Canyon into Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.

At the LCC event, Gentry held a mock council meeting with former council members and mayors Neil Fitzpatrick, Martha Collison, and Dan Kenney in which they recounted the decisions they made back in 1989 that committed the city to the Canyon preservation course. Lida Lenney, the ferocious leader (as described by Fitzpatrick) is deceased and was sadly missing from this tableaux. The council’s courage and determination at that time was exemplary and inspires us now to take the truest course despite it being more difficult.

The anti-high rise initiative in 1971, preservation of the Canyon and more into the 22,000-acre Laguna Greenbelt, adoption of historical preservation policies, general plan and downtown specific plan—these make up our heritage of critical steps that have made Laguna the desired and distinctive community it is today.

Councilmember Toni Iseman made the point that we’re not against change, but we are for keeping Laguna “the same but better.”

Now we’re hearing from a new activist group “Young Minds for Laguna’s Future,” who feel that “the younger generation in town, those who will be here for decades to come, finally needs to add their voices to (the) debate. Previously, most arguments in town have been dictated by the vocal minority, and we are now doing our best to learn how to be involved and be considered.”

A mixed message to be sure. The emergence of the next generation as full participants in our community is so welcome! I have heard so many times in all the organizations I’m part of, “How can we get young people involved?” Cajoling, inviting, offering to help hasn’t worked. Now a spark has been lighted and that’s a good thing. But let’s look at it as a progression, not a conflict between generations. I hope they contribute their “young minds” to all the good work that generations before have begun. It’s our responsibility to continue the course, “the same but better,” for the benefit of all who come after us.

Ann Christoph is a landscape architect and former mayor and member of the City Council.


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  1. Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!

    Let’s think about Bob Marley’s message. We’ve got a lot of divisions in our town right now, mostly between the Luddites who refuse to allow changes and those who are ready to support many of the projects that are in the Planning and Arts Commission pipelines. These are the very projects that the “traditional Laguna advocates” on the other side of the divide are deeply concerned about.

    Luckily, here comes sANNEnctimonious Christoph once again using her political bully pulpit in this publication to engage in her favorite hobby, political obstruction. The same fearmongering that lost her the last election and has made her the poster child for Village Laguna, along with their other mouthpiece, Toni Iseman.

    She’s against the “mushroom” art at the Village Entrance out of fear that it will somehow interfere with her landscape design that she’s so proud of. She likes it just the way it is! She also wants us to pay for the seven-figure restoration of the sewer building (digester) while we’re at it. She’s “alarmed” at recent proposals to get rid of this worthless and architecturally insignificant structure along with the suggestion that we engage in an effort to fix our worthless downtown shopping experience. How dare we remove archaic parking restrictions that along with an arduous conditional use permit process that makes it impossible to attract businesses that sophisticated residents want to shop in? How could we want to have second floor housing for those who want to live/work in the downtown? Our current hight limit is 12 feet and we’re proposing another 12 feet for housing only. Imagine that! It’s going to feel like NY!

    She decries the limits place on residents to express themselves at City Council meetings (total BS, she attends and speaks at almost every one) She laments the fact that a Council member (me) doesn’t allow her and her fellow activists to run roughshod over the process. She and Village Laguna are unaccustomed to not getting their way in the Council Chambers after consolidating power for over fifty years. She wants more “public workshops” (Village Laguna stall tactic) She doesn’t want those who were elected by the people, for the people, to meet without her and her cronies because we’re “on a determined course to change our beloved Laguna Beach into Anytown, USA” That’s right, polyester Betty’s have kept us from becoming Anytown USA. Thank you, Anne, Toni, and Village Laguna! Thank you for “fighting the degradation of community character that is exactly what you fear could happen to Laguna Beach” If we’re allowed to make any decisions.

    Thanks for another ride down your memory’s lane and reminding us of everything you and previous activists did to save us from ourselves. A special thanks for reiterating Toni’s tired mantra “the same but better.” Maybe Toni should be more concerned with coming to the Council meetings knowledgeable about that night’s agenda and prepared to actually conduct business. Night after night I observe her scribbling on her agenda packets, bobbing her head while in a bug-eyed trance. She does manage to chime in with some pre-planned and orchestrated attacks on those who aren’t toeing Village Laguna’s line. It’s obvious Tony’s suffering from some form of mental cognitive impairment. She’s not fit to govern anymore.

    Anne, you complete this week’s diatribe by launching one of your passive/aggressive attacks on the next generation who are attempting to make their voices heard. It is their future after all that’s at stake. Right? It cant be about the same tired hippies forever, can it?

    Anne, remember Marley’s message, Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. That’s what my generation and the next generation are gonna do. We’re so tired of you and all of your “holier than thou descendants” dictating our future. From here on out, we’re going to take the torch you refuse to pass to us!

  2. Where to start with this uncivil and ad hominem posting by Mr. Blake. Well, let me start with some facts extracted from official filings to the FPPC, regarding the last election. An election in which Mr. Blake claimed the greatest number of votes (which he never fails to mention).
    Blake – 4881
    Iseman – 4792
    Kempf – 4483
    Christoph – 4235
    Those tallies don’t begin to tell the whole story. The actual story is that the developer PAC, Liberate Laguna (LL) spent more $ in Independent Expenditures on behalf of Blake than his campaign took in itself. That same PAC also spent almost $32,000 on negative ADs against Iseman and Christoph.
    Mr. Blake tries to diminish the effect that this tsunami of spending on his behalf benefited his campaign. But note, LL produced:
    3 pro-Blake glossy mailers (11” x 6”) Each unique with different messaging and images
    3 pro-Kempf glossy mailers (11” x 6”) Each unique with different messaging and images
    1 pro-Blake 1 min professional video
    1 pro-Kempf 45sec professional video
    At least 11 pro-Blake newspaper ads (& design services)
    At least 8 pro-Kemp newspaper ads (& design services)
    2 pro-Blake web ads (running for varying periods)
    2 pro-Kempf web ads (running for varying periods)
    on behalf of their preferred candidates. They flooded the city with approx 100,000 pieces of direct mail.
    So, yeah, Blake got the most votes (by a tremendous 89!!)…with the impetus that Liberate Laguna’s “Independent Expenditures” provided him, Mickey Mouse would have gotten the most votes.

  3. Sure Mike! You’ve got it all figured out. Right? Some developers came in and bought the election. The public is so ignorant that some flashy mailers swayed their votes. Anne Christoph with decades of activism couldn’t overcome the ads and win? Toni Iseman couldn’t beat a newbie as a 20 year incumbent?

    Mickey Mouse? Sorry! I won because of my platform. Tough on crime and all about property rights. When you run next year, your platform will be built on criminal justice and civil liberties. It will mirror your sponsor MJ Abraham who’s leftist agenda runs parallel with yours. The two of you can coddle the criminal transients in town while reversing the restrictive policies that I have helped eliminate. Maybe we should go back to a stricter Design Review Board? Tougher Planning Commission? I’m sure you and Village Laguna are dreaming about the way you can get things back on track and revel in the obstruction that you will enforce back onto the residents. Only problem is the public won’t have it. Trust me! They’re not going to fall for it and you will never be elected. Laguna has become a town of moderates. Left wing extremists like yourself no longer have a voice here.

    Michael, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to engage you in the next election. The voters will see you for what you are the minute you open your mouth. You’re weak and spineless. You lack vision and cant begin to stand up and make your voice heard. You’ll bring a pad and pencil to a knife fight.

  4. Peter Blake, Is there no end to your threats? Seriously, a Laguna Beach public official suggesting a “knife fight” with a constituent? Clearly, you are intimidated by anyone who uses their brain.

    Regarding your latest rant over the campaign statistics Mike Morris provided in his comments, may I remind you that you personally requested that I/ conduct a 2018 campaign funding analysis last April. I’ve included your email request to LBCHAT:

    How bout some stats on the 2018 CC election?
    To: “”

    Any chance we could get some stats one the 2018 CC election?

    Id love to know how much the candidates raised, spent, kept and, if they gave the funds away, to whom. So tired of hearing the sore losers making the claims that PAC’s won the election or money bought it. It’s been long enough since the election closed that you should be able to determine how much money was raised and spent by all candidates and who the PACs were that donated, how was the money spent, who raised the most etc…


    While you may not be able to admit it, the facts show that PAC Liberate Laguna’s (primarily 5 developer/investors) expensive campaign promotional materials and strategic hit pieces on opposition candidates Iseman and Christoph gave YOU an advantage. You and our town developers are ONE. The public has a right to know it and Mike Morris has every right to share his personal campaign analysis and outcomes.

    If you disagree, why don’t you conduct your own analysis? All of the campaign filings are online.

  5. MJ your political spin is exhausting! Where is the rest of the information? Where are the figures on how much Anne Christoph and Toni Iseman raised? How much did they spend? How much money is leftover in their campaign accounts? Did they donate the money back to Village Laguna as Verna Rollinger did with her leftover funds in the previous election? How much did Village Laguna donate through their PAC, Corporation, and proxy groups like CANDO, Friends of the Canyon, South Laguna Civic Association, TOWNA, Temple Hills Community Association, etc? How about the Police and Fire Union? Who donated the money to Laguna Matters that paid for the hit piece bulldozer campaign? Who paid for the website for Laguna Matters? Who is Laguna Matters? The website doesn’t reveal anything about the people behind it. Who paid for their fliers, posters?

    Again, do you really think the voters of Laguna are naive and unsophisticated enough to vote based on some hit pieces from a PAC? Please! How about all of the debates? Letters to the editor, columns, posts on social media? It was a long and tough election! Decades of activism couldn’t get Anne elected and Toni couldn’t beat a newbie? You know it’s because Lagunan’s are sick and tired of Village Laguna and pathetic left-wing extremists like you. Let’s face it, you and Village Laguna are losing votes badly at every Council meeting. You’re trying everything you can to get your lapdog Michael Morris elected in the hopes that you can reverse the situation. Every meeting you and your squad coordinate attacks with your puppet up on the dais in an attempt to remove me from office. Every meeting I get subjected to another “gotcha” moment. Every time all of you leave with nothing but egg on your face! Why don’t you give up your incessant attempts at derailing the wishes of the residents who voted for me? They knew what they were getting and know how hard I have to fight against dirty-trick political activists like you. You know that you cant get the votes to recall me so you continue your campaign of lies and BS.

    MJ, get a life already!

  6. Peter Blake: As a public official, your constant whining and obsession about Village Laguna and everyone else in town except your developers and far-right conservatives, is what’s really getting old. The fact is, the funds VL raised and spent to support local candidates was a mere drop in the bucket compared to the Developer PAC Liberate Laguna! Do your own homework before you start discounting facts and figures by others. The information is all there for you to review and analyze it just like everyone else. And it appears you have the time. Bottom-line is that you just cannot accept that Liberate Laguna Developers saturated our town with $152,800 in media messaging to influence the election in support of you securing a seat on our city council. Follow the money – it happens all the time in politics and you know this. And now, voter’s in our city that may have been a bit naive do too. I think it’s becoming obvious that you are selling out our town. Every time you speak, you state that you HATE something about Laguna or its residents and merchants. And almost every vote you cast in some way supports development – even the big fat raises you blessed our City Manager and Assistant City Manager with this year. You are right about one thing though, city staff will be very busy catering to the developers and your self-interest “turn Laguna onto Newport Beach” make-over plans. I hope Laguna residents come out in historical numbers to stop you from ruining our town. Finally, I find it ironic that everything you have accused Village Laguna of doing “politically” is exactly what you are doing now.

  7. MJ, you’re full of shit and you know it! Anne Christoph and Toni Iseman raised over $100,000 between them. Add the money raised in their defense for hit piece ads and the balance is there. The numbers add up to Liberate Laguna’s contribution. Can you add? Please spare me the “big fat raise” for the city manager. 2.5% cost of living and another 2.5% for doing a great job. Is 5% too much of a raise for the most important position in our community? Funny how you and your frenemy Michelle Monda both live behind gates and take the side of hippies who want everyone to live happily in thousand square foot homes without air conditioning or outdoor lighting. God forbid they want a skylight or extra room. MJ. You’re nothing but a distraction at this point. No one in town cares what you think. Moved on already!

  8. Peter Blake – what residents in this community know is that you have a trash mouth and get your kicks by attacking people who disagree with you. It becomes more visible every time you speak. Many are expressing their disgust and they are distancing themselves from you. Keep lashing out Peter Blake. It’s what you do best. It’s all you’ve got. You certainly don’t have any leadership qualities to lead or bring our community together. And FYI…the total of the ACM raise with everything was more like a 17% increase at the time she got it. Course you hate facts and figures. Your piece-meal look at city business is exactly what will hurt our community and put our city into major debt for a very long time. i think residents can add too. Peter Blake + Spending Tax Dollars = Big City Debt.

  9. Peter Blake- Please get your facts straight. I don’t live behind a gate.

    It’s shameful that our city councilman is “slamming residents who live behind gates” in our town as if their opinions don’t matter”. The way you like to bully, next you will be attacking their lifestyles, children and their dog.

    You should resign.


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