Letter: A Sewer Digester Renaissance


What function does our cherished sewer digester building serve, either as a renovated structure or a new one to replace it? Which solution is consistent with the vision of Laguna Beach? At the moment, LBPD store police evidence in the box part of this building (Erickson, Indy, 2014) while the tank part remains unused and condemned. Some folks want to demolish the tank to reclaim this space—for the sake of space. Some folks want to preserve building aesthetics for historical significance (remember it’s a cylindrical sludge tank, not Laguna Federal Savings). Some want to find new purpose for the building.

No authority has specified what function a renascent sewer digester is to perform consistent with a Laguna vision. The design solutions are offered before the requirements are known; the cart pulls the donkey. The solution here is to turn the donkey around.

The city library where the Village Entrance documents are located can be found here: www.lagunabeachcity.net/civicax/filebank. Google can find a single reference to the “Laguna Beach Vision 2030 Strategic Plan.” So much for LB Vision. Remember the Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan? Google can find 23 honorable mentions of the phrase, function ranks much better.Iseman is correct: “there is value there.” Borthwick is correct: poop has mystique, get over it. Metzger is correct: “interesting and striking.” So, if it’s a restroom, how many digesters do we need to manage those six million visitors? If a Visitor’s Center, where is the transit stop? If the EIR and economic analysis report positive, what was the digester function? Remember the donkey; turn it around.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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