City Outlines its Successes


Each fiscal year, the City of Laguna Beach lists its key accomplishments for the preceding 12 months. The following is a list of significant projects and programs accomplished during fiscal year 2010- 2011. 



Community Development

Approved a new customer service plan for the Community Development Department.


Opened the building, planning and zoning counter during all business hours.


Approved the purchase of a state-of-the-art computer system to integrate planning, zoning, building, and code enforcement activities while also improving coordination with other departments.


Approved ordinances to regulate medical marijuana dispensary facilities.


Approved “A Guide to Residential Development” to assist citizens through the design review process.  The Guide subsequently received an award from the Orange County Section of the California Chapter to the American Planning Association for Focused Planning Issue.


Approved an ordinance clarifying major remodel definitions.


Purchased portable computers to assist building inspectors when working in the field.


Approved ordinance amendments regarding hedge height and residential care facilities.


Held a facilitated retreat for Design Review Board members and staff.


Public Facilities

Completed over 25 miles of street and alley rehabilitation.


Replaced and relocated street lights along Laguna Canyon Road near the Sawdust Festival.


City crews worked with contractors to clean up and reopen the downtown area by 11 a.m. the morning after the floods on December 22, 2010.


City crews, contractors, residents, businesses, volunteers and Caltrans personnel cooperated to reopen Laguna Canyon Road within two days of the December 22 flooding.


Arrangements were made to assist residents and businesses with disposal of debris from the floods in the ACT V parking lot.


Following the December 2010 Storms, emergency repairs were made to the Main Beach boardwalk, dog park, ACT V parking lot, creek in front of the animal shelter, shed behind City Hall, and numerous other facilities. 


Worked with FEMA, CALEMA, the Federal Highway administration and insurance providers to secure $1.6 million of reimbursement for disaster related expenses and is still pursuing another $855,000 in reimbursements from FEMA.


Secured the entitlements to build a new Lifeguard Headquarters facility with new public restrooms and construct a new lift station at Main Beach.


Completed a renovation of Heisler Park in time for the summer season.


Relocated the animal shelter to temporary facilities in Laguna Canyon to ensure that services would continue to be provided while the permanent facility is renovated. 


Constructed a view park in Arch Beach Heights that also reduces the fuel loading for wild fires in the area.


Create an underground utility district for the Big Bend portion of Laguna Canyon Road and purchased utility undergrounding credits from other cities at $.55 on the dollar.


Repaired, relined or replaced about 45 sections of metal storm drains that were deteriorated.


Obtained a grant to re-landscape and beautify Broadway from the bus depot on Forest Avenue.


Obtained a grant for the design of a right turn lane on Northbound Coast Highway at Broadway.


Replaced the oxygen generator at the Bluebird SOCWA lift station having better energy efficiency.


Installed a sound attenuation system at the Bluebird SOCWA lift station to greatly address the new sound palette of the oxygen generator.


Drafted a new Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan.


Conducted field investigation in undocumented portions of the Hidden Valley sewer pipeline system and followed-up to perform sewer main improvements to ensure pipeline access.


Created a unique database specifically designed to produce the storm water annual report and supported by data input forms and output reports.


Replaced the obsolete automated transfer switches at both the Laguna SOCWA and Bluebird SOCWA lift stations. The new switches provide better maintenance and operational capabilities.


Public Safety

Replaced the siding and repaired the roof on Fire Station Four.


Raised the apparatus bay doors on Fire Station One.


Coordinated with the Regional Water Control Board staff to secure an Independence Day fireworks display permit.


Completed the grant funded DUI enforcement program.


Completed a new customer service survey form for the Police Department and placed the form on the department website.


Implemented a program to reduce false alarms by working with the top ten violators.


Worked with the Orange County Fire Authority and Newport Beach Fire Department to develop fire management plans for Newport Coast and Aliso Wood Canyon and is participating in training regarding the new plans.


Repaired dirt fire roads damaged during the December floods.


Purchased IPads to assist paramedics and firefighters with in field reporting and eliminating the need for duplicate data entry.



Installed the “Breaching Whale” sculpture in Heisler Park before the summer season.


Successfully relocated and operated the Alternative Sleeping Location at its new site by the dog park.


Worked with the Laguna Relief and Resource Center to relocate its food distribution operation to assist those in need.


Installed two electric vehicle charging stations which were purchased with grant funds.


Worked with private citizens to acquire pieces of the World Trade Center for a public art project.


Approved a plan to preserve the Big Bend property and create a wildlife corridor.


Implemented a new system to monitor telephone usage in City Hall.


Implemented a system to allow some business licenses to be renewed online.


Increased alternative fuel trolleys by four vehicles, bringing the City’s fleet to a total of 18 alternative fuel vehicles.


Held a disaster workshop for members of the community.


Implemented email traffic alert system.


Established an Emergency Preparedness Committee.


Established a Flood Mitigation Task Force.


Approved regulations regarding skateboarding.


Acquired several parcels for open space in Arch Beach Heights.



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