Column Reincarnated



I was delighted to see your newest column, “Beach Buzz,” by Kedric Francis.  The last time I read his column of the same name was in 2006 when Francis and I were columnists for OC Metro magazine. I covered art and he ruminated about political and socially conscious issues, locally and nationally. Our columns were terminated when the magazine became more business oriented.


I always wondered about the name, “Beach Buzz.” It sounded like a surfing column and didn’t seem to fit the nature of his columns. That is until I saw the column’s reincarnation and realized that the name perfectly fits this new venue, as the paper inhabits a beach town.


I look forward to Francis’ ongoing writings that will hopefully address issues below the glitzy tourist radar. And I see that, along with being a new father, he apparently no longer works for Riviera, now editing for the Indy’s owner.


Liz Goldner, Laguna Beach

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