A Step in the Right Direction



I do not understand the bitter and undeserving comments regarding the village entrance project financing recently approved by City Council.  I believe this is another key step in the history of Laguna Beach that will be looked at by future generations as a step in the right direction that exhibited leadership, foresight and courage to do the right thing.

It is no secret that the number one concern of residents in Laguna Beach is parking and congestion.  In addition to that, over 1,700 apartments and 5,000 homes will be built off Laguna Canyon Road within the next 10 -15 years.  Why is this not easy to understand that capturing that traffic, before visitors circuit aimlessly looking for places to park and further exacerbate an existing problem and making it worse,  is absolutely necessary?

Furthermore, the financing plan includes those who will be using the facility to pay for it not the residents, who bear the brunt of dealing with congestion. Finally, it is the most appropriate use of parking funds when it comes to municipal finance.

The village entrance financing plan approved by City Council is a step in the right direction… for both businesses and residents. Not only is it a visionary step, it takes into consideration future Laguna Beach generations. I cannot say that about the naysayers, who seem to only be concerned about keeping things status-quo.


Kristine Thalman, Laguna Beach

The author is the Chamber of Commerce’s executive director.

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  1. The issue isn’t that the in town traffic issue needs a solution, just that when 200 parking spaces will cost up to $250,000 each, the taxpayers who will be on the hook for the debt should get a chance to vote on it.


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