Another Voice Against Pyrotechnics



Thanks Roger, for putting to words things that have long bothered me about our “celebrations” surrounding the 4th of July.

As a mother, environmental advocate, naturalist, nature mentor, and educator, it has been hard for me to understand why we blatantly pollute our beautiful planet with fireworks, traffic, and invited overpopulation of the coastline to watch the “bombs” bursting in air. I detest the 4th of July for this reason and hide with my family in my home away from drunken drivers and destructive behavior.

How about instead, we take up a new way to celebrate: weed and plant gardens, engage in stewarding the land, host community potlucks in our neighborhoods honoring all generations.

What if we decided not to drive anywhere that day and spend the day getting to know our neighbors in circles of spoken gratitude filled with prayer and hope for the next generation and thanksgiving to those who have made what we now enjoy all possible? What if?

Thanks Roger!

Kimberly Leeds, Laguna Beach

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