Aural Ode of Protest



It’s seven a.m. and here they come soaring/ the pilot in blue and their engines roaring/ where they are going it doesn’t matter/ because their noise is making us madder.

The agency that controls these planes/ denies that they can cause us pains. / But we can see and hear each flight/ and things could worsen our plight/ if they change times and the hours/ of airport use will be beyond our power.

To again enjoy the peace and tranquility/ of our world renown and beautiful city.

Please take the time to write to your congressman and senator as well as the FAA and let your voice be heard over the drone of airplanes. Although one is supposed to have access of quarterly reports on noise abatement at John Wayne airport at – when clicking on it – the reader is told that this page is not available.  (I used Wikipedia to get on that part of the website.)  That in itself should be a violation of something.


Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach

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