Beu’s Departure Will Be a Loss



I am very saddened to hear that Rev. Beu will be leaving the Congregational Church. He has been such a breath of fresh air for Laguna Beach. To me he represents a true Christian, actually a holy person and good human being that truly ministers to all people who walk through the church doors. He has taken in all and helped them. He volunteers and listens, no matter who you are. His work with the homeless, gay community and his ability to do things in a new and refreshing manner are unparalleled.

As a child I was marinated in religion (Catholic and Baptist) and grew to intensely dislike churches due the repetitive, demanding, and often punitive nature of most large churches. They did nothing for me as an adult.  I became, and basically remain, agnostic.

By watching Reverend Beu simply minister to people and run his church as a church should be run, to help bring people together, and to help those in need was wonderful. I was really inspired just to listen to this man, and watch him help our town and people.

His absence will be a huge loss to this town.  Personally I will greatly miss doing volunteer work with him.

I truly hope this decision will be reconsidered. It has been a very long time since I have met a person as kind as Rev. BJ.

PJ Amyouny, Laguna Beach

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