

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Public Art Selection Requires Higher Professional Standards

Editor, I am writing today in support of Michael Ray’s editorial in last week’s paper. Before I add my comments I want to fully disclose...

A Better Use for $500,000

Editor: This letter was also addressed to the ACLU. So we, the small town of 24,000 people that every night provides shelter and services for 45...

More Parking Does Not Solve Congestion

Editor, MIG Consulting is the city's chosen urban planner tasked with assisting the Downtown Specific Plan update. Their recommendations have been published in draft form...

Drone Invades Privacy

Editor, At 8:40 a.m. Sunday morning I was still in bed looking out over our beautiful ocean, village and Catalina when a gold drone hung...

Recent Votes Lack Compassion

Editor, Apparently our compassion is gone. Coyotes mate with each other for life. They are monogamous. Laguna Beach city government has made them into monsters. With...

SONGS and its Leftovers

Editor, The saga of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) is getting yet one more replay in the Jan. 8 issue of The Indy...

Imperfect Paradise

Editor, I don’t ever remember being sad on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It is a great reminder to be grateful for the human rights...

Trapping Contract Betrays Laguna’s Ethos

Editor: I have been peripherally involved with the conversation about coyotes in Laguna Beach for a couple of months and have seen the civil conversation...

Why Did Our City Go Rogue Over Coyotes?

Editor, I’m among those saddened and angry about the 13 coyotes our city has exterminated. During our 20 plus years in Laguna, I have loved...

We Must Learn to Co-exist

Editor: It is more than disappointing that our City Council chose to allocate up to $30,000 to Critter Busters to keep killing coyotes (11 so...

Coyote Habituation Began Long Ago

Editor, With Orange County urban coyote problems more frequently in the news and to get a better understanding of these events, maybe it’s time to...

Celebrating Barack Obama

Editor, Seven years ago this week, a group of my Laguna friends and I hosted a black tie inaugural event the evening Barack Obama first...

‘Reality TV’ Permits More School Board Transparency

Editor, Have you heard about the "angry" and "militant" parents who are so "mean" to the school board?  Well, now you cannot just hear them...

Pot Delivery Rules Interfere With Personal Choice

Editor, It isn't hard to believe that our Laguna Beach City Council may enact a new city ordinance banning people who have letters from their doctors...

Turning Forest Avenue into a Plaza is But Half the Equation

Editor, Responding to Les Miklosy’s letter to the editor dated Jan. 8 titled “A Better Use of Forest Avenue?” To me what Les is saying...