

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Roll Out a Welcoming Bridge

Editor, With regard to the proposed village entrance project, I wonder if the city might want to consider an entrance feature similar to the one...

Protecting the Town’s Character

“There is a central quality which is the root criterion of life and spirit in a person, a town, a building, or a wilderness....

Questioning Development in a Flood Zone

Editor, Re: live work project “In a flood plain, careful planning assures use of the flood plain lands for greenbelt parks and other uses beneficial to...

Project Meets City Requirements

Editor, I’m writing in regards to John Hamil’s recent column in this publication entitled “Keeping Promises.” His letter was written in a response to a...

A Witness to Laguna’s Banking History

Editor, The story behind the rehabilitation of the historic building on Ocean Avenue (“Restoring a Slice of Laguna’s History,” Feb. 14 edition) extends back to...

Kudos for Local History Article

Editor, Please pass on my congratulations and thanks to Jennifer Erickson for her lovely article about my father's mural and the renovation of the old...

Thumb’s Up on Transit Story

Editor, Thanks for reporting on the transportation workshop (“Buying into Commuting Without Keys,” Feb. 14 edition). Finally, finally this city is taking steps to acknowledge...

Learning to Love Mass Transit

Editor, Re: keyless commute, (Feb. 15 edition) Hello, I'm from Long Beach and visit Laguna Beach maybe twice a month, but use Orange County Transit Authority bus...

Experts Lacked Originality

Editor, In my opinion, the so-called transit workshop on Feb. 10 was a bust. The information presented was so basic and elementary that the audience...

First Things First

Editor, Now that the town has settled down after the great debate about the village entrance, there is a sense of cooperation in the air....

Mixed Message For City’s Arts Culture

Editor, A keen irony did not escape notice as to reporter Jennifer Erickson's tandem pieces on today's intersection of the arts and government in Laguna...

A Limerick for Louis Longi

Editor, There once was an artist name Louis Whoʼs project I fear makes me flu-ish. It ought to be small If any at all. So this whole thing I...

A Preferred Addition to the Canyon

Editor, When we drive through Laguna Canyon we see many bland and unsightly commercial and light industrial structures.  In between are some typical and not...

Save Laguna, Again!

Editor, In regards to our town, what's happening to Laguna? Aren't we supposed to be different, than the rest of Orange County? Seems to me,...

A Revealing Ratio

Editor, While I was pleased to read in Horst Noppenberger’s “Speaker’s Corner” editorial (Feb. 7 edition) that the prime purpose of the proposed canyon artist...