

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Health, longevity and mind’s potential

By Russ Gerber The concept of mind we’re all familiar with is gradually becoming the mind of the past. The decision-maker, the seat of knowledge,...

Opinion: It’s time to bring back Zoom

By James Grossberg In a Feb. 13 incident of what commonly is called “Zoom bombing,” an organized group used Zoom to disrupt a Laguna Beach City Council...

Opinion: Restore our town’s fire truck, future generations will thank us 

By Howard Hills When I saw our 1931 LBFD Seagrave classic at the Fourth of July celebration on Brooks Street, a mid-1950s memory came back,...

Opinion: Haiku Corner

By Cheryl Procaccini   moon, how did it feel to rest in earth’s shadow as stardust gazed at you? (inspired by this year’s lunar eclipse)   i can touch a cloud in...

Opinion: We finally beat Medicare

By Billy Fried By the time you read this, I am hoping Biden inhaled the smelling salts and dropped out of the race. It couldn’t...

Opinion: Dear Susi Q

Solo but not alone is the way to go By Lynette Brasfield Put it this way: if I hadn’t chosen to travel solo, I would never...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Charm Challenge By Mark D. Crantz The City is instituting a new program dubbed “Charm Challenge.” The objective is to incentivize retail property owners to spruce...

Opinion: Village Matters

Cleaning up? By Ann Christoph What does it mean to “clean up?” South Lagunans are wondering right now about the Postal Service misunderstanding of requests to...

Opinion: Be careful what you wish for 

By Ketta Brown  There is much talk about the proposed—but yet to be formally submitted—plan for the Neighborhood Congregational Church property at St. Ann’s and...

Opinion: Thank You, Laguna Beach Surf Tribe Ohana!

By Roger Bütow Deepest gratitude to those who helped plan, organize, mass broadcast and coordinate the last paddle out for Laguna’s iconic surfing legend Corky...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Resilience By Mark D. Crantz Laguna Art Museum opened a new exhibit called ‘Reflections of Resilience.’ I’m running low on resilience and didn’t think I had...

Opinion: Good Friends Despite Political Differences

By Denny Freidenrich My friend Cary and I first met 20 years ago. He was a Laguna Little League coach, and I was a parent...

Opinion: Growth From the Inside Out 

By Russ Gerber About 35 years ago, I was self-employed and earning a modest living, but it was a rather dark time in my life....

Opinion: An Open Letter to Our Queer Youth

  By Chris Tebbutt I am writing this column to express my unwavering love and support for our queer youth. Please share this with them. As you...

Opinion: Green Light

Kudos to City Hall on Climate and Appeals I left the June 25 City Council meeting feeling good about our city’s government. The City Council...