

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

We the People Says the Laguna Won

Editor, The core issue of the massive Village Entrance parking garage and excessive tax spending was resolved at the City Council workshop. We the People is...

A Parent Explains Her Vote for School Board

Editor, As a concerned parent, I have followed the local school board election closely. There are three slots and four candidates. Ketta Brown, Dee Perry...

Kudos for World Hunger Bowl’s Champion

Editor, A wonderful charity event called the World Hunger Bowl was held last Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Aliso Creek Inn and Golf Course in...
letters to the editor

Letter: Sweetwater Carwash a Laguna Legacy

Billy Fried hit the nail on the head when his enraptured comments spoke to Laguna's legacy businesses. Scott Thompson's Sweetwater Carwash is one of...
letters to the editor

Letter: School Board Elections

Amy Kramer and Sheri Morgan ran serious School Board campaigns focused on real issues.  Amy, Sheri and I all knew of each other’s intention...

You’ve Arrived. Now, Slow Down

Editor, Thank you, Ms. Delia.  After 17 years in Laguna, fighting for the canyon and the art museum, through water shortages and the '93 wildfire, I...

Showing Laguna Cares

Dear Laguna Beach families,   In the spirit of community I'm asking for help in starting a chain reaction within our community.  This is not something...

Cheers for Quilter’s Erudite Wit

Editor, Of the many good reasons to read the Independent, that squishy liberal columnist Chris Quilter is yet another. How did we get so lucky that each...

Aggressive Tactics Turn Off Shopper

Editor, There are two relatively new businesses in town, both located on Forest. I believe they sell skincare products. I can’t say anything more about...
letters to the editor

Letter: School Board Must Follow the Rules

When it comes to deciding who gets a voice on the school board, the rules are clear: “Board members…shall be elected by all voters...

Smarter Methods to Douse Fire

Editor, (This letter was also addressed to the City Council.) As much as $10 million will be available in state grants for local urban runoff and...
letters to the editor

Letter: It is possible

On March 12, the City Council will discuss options for improved aquatics in Laguna. Rather than work with the city on a solution that...

Deception by Omission

Editor: As you know, local resident and active community volunteer Gene Felder purchases a weekly advertisement space in your newspaper, in which he regularly communicates...

Coast Inn Project Needs Rigorous Review

The megaproject proposed by an investor group to transform the Coast Inn and Coast Liquor property by dramatically increasing the intensity of use and...

Letter: Sales Tax Increase Measure P is a Poor ROI

Editor, Let’s say I offered you a deal. In exchange for $5 million per year for 25 years, I’ll agree to reduce a possible risk...