Citizen Voting for Entrance



The refusal of our City Council majority to allow a citizen vote regarding the village entrance project seems to confirm that the Council acts more like a private club than as duly elected representatives of the citizens of Laguna Beach.   What is the council majority afraid of?   Is it that the voters in Laguna will overwhelmingly reject spending tens of millions of dollars on a huge, unneeded parking structure and a park that, considering the proximity of the beach, will seldom be used?

Without the right to vote vote on the biggest single taxpayer expenditure in city history, we will have no say in whether we choose to further divert funding from more than a dozen public works projects that have already been delayed for more than 10 years. We live near Moss beach.  Our neighborhood’s public improvement project was to be completed [after delays] by 2011. Now, we’ve been told that the rebuilding of crumbling public beach stairs and neglected planters, as well as view site improvements will be delayed again until 2019. This is unacceptable.


Paul  Merritt, Laguna Beach

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