Cuts in Bus Service a Disservice to the Public



As an employee at a downtown business, I rely on the trolley to get to and from work each day.  With the proposed cuts to service hours, other local employees and I will no longer have safe transportation to our jobs.  Many of the roads I walk on my way to work on Sunday (there is no local trolley service on Sunday) do not have sidewalks or clearly marked crosswalks.  And in the evening those same roads have cars zooming past me at high rates of speed and blinding headlights.

As a local artist, I have struggled against the continuing unaffordability of Laguna Beach because this is my home and I am determined to stay.  However, simple economics will catch up eventually.  The truth is that I cannot afford a car and pay rent in this town at the same time.  And now that access to my job is threatened, how will I make ends meet?

Statistically, how many pedestrians have to be hit before the cost of the trolley is worth someone’s life?  Are those proposing the Uber alternative aware of the history of injury, accident, robbery, and even sexual assault by unvetted Uber operators?  Would the city be assuming any moral or financial responsibility for this?

How many seniors on fixed incomes, already struggling to make ends meet in pricey Laguna Beach, should be isolated in their homes instead of attending the Susi Q senior center?

With these changes, the community is being thrown under the bus.


Elizabeth McGhee, Laguna Beach

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