A Day of Politics and Fun in the Sun



On behalf of Laguna Beach Republicans we want to thank all those local Laguna Beach residents who came out last Saturday for a celebration at the LB GOP 2014 Voter Education Headquarters, located in the Big Pink building on Laguna Canyon Road (between the SUP store and the car detailing shop). We had Shirley’s Bagels in the morning and a mid-afternoon Mexican grill cookout.

After festivities ended and the crowd thinned out we fed some motorists who took a break from the gridlock traffic in the heart of our canyon, along with a crew on break from working at the car detailers. We also delivered food that was still wrapped and untouched down to the Laguna Food Pantry for those among us most in need.  It was a day well spent celebrating life in our town.

A crowd of over 60 invited guests at the opening ceremony got a granular briefing from Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, fresh from a phone call in the parking lot with his staff in Washington on negotiations between Congress and the White House on the renewed terrorist threat in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Hearing the inside story on American options from Rohrabacher, chairman of the subcommittee on Europe and Emerging Threats in the U.S. House of Representatives, was both sobering and inspirational.

We also were honored to have Neel Kashkari, GOP candidate for governor, give us an update on his campaign, along with candidates for state Assembly and the OC Board of Supervisors.  But the highlight of the local campaign was hearing from local City Council candidate Michele Hall and school board candidates Dee Perry and Annette Gibson.

Thanks to KX 93.5 FM for broadcasting interviews with our speakers and candidates live from the event.  LB GOP went live on radio and invited Independents and Democrats to come by for the afternoon fiesta, and several did just that! By the end of a hot Saturday, we had over 150 people stop by, including one of our local GOP heroes, former City Council member Cheryl Kinsman. Thank you Laguna Beach, and in high spirits of civic responsibility let the debate begin!

Howard Hills, Laguna Beach

The author is president of Laguna Beach Republicans.

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