District’s Actions Lack Transparency



Re: “Principal Faces a Hurdle to Return to Class” in the June 23 edition.

So… LBUSD board and administration couldn’t maintain the Community Learning Center (CLC) because they’re overstaffed? But – they are jumping through hoops to place the former high school principal in a classroom? Someone who doesn’t have a credential and has never taught?

The administration had the opportunity in the spring to take care of its overstaffing. Instead, it used CLC as a scapegoat for its failure to act.

My experience with school districts as a teacher and consultant makes me wonder what kind of deal was made with former principal Chris Herzfeld to allow him to save face instead of being let go. If there was a deal, was it the right thing to do for LBUSD students and community?

Barbara Dresel, Laguna Beach

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