Dressing Up a Construction Site



I read Alan Boinus’ Sept. 21’s “In Need Of An Artist’s Touch” and support his letter regarding the temporary construction trailers on Main Beach.

Unfortunately any construction requires site protection and support buildings as a necessary evil. But I whole heartedly agree with his idea. Their odd location and lack of any “window dressing” of these large structures, which will dominate our iconic Main Beach views until 2014, is simply a depressing visual. No one needs that these days!

Laguna is all about art.  So, here’s a very visible challenge and an artistic opportunity to mitigate our problem and raise the bar for other communities and construction sites.

If you can “wrap” a bus with digital printing products, let’s see some creative use with playful or scenic temporary art to “put some lipstick on these pigs”. Make it a contest, fundraiser or find another way to pay for it.

Maybe, after that, some construction fence rental companies will actually be inspired to offer an optional digital mesh substitute for the banal green mesh currently available for any construction site?

Heck, we could even start a national movement! …But, let’s solve our problem first.  Anyone agree?


Judy Gray, Laguna Beach

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