Keeping Visitors at Bay



I support pressing forward with the village entrance project. (Can we cut the fat out of the costs for the park?)

But to address parking and traffic congestion, here is my proposal:  parking “hubs” at ACT V, Aliso Creek and El Morro.

Laguna residents get transponders allowing access into Laguna; non-residents must park at a hub and take a shuttle/trolley/bike/walk/etc into and around town.  Else, they automatically get ticketed, similar to toll road violations.  Traffic congestion and parking problem solved.


Ed Steinfeld, Laguna Beach

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  1. You have it backwards. Residence take the shuttle and visitors park in the premium spots. If we do not want the visitors then we should stop inviting them. When you have a visitor at your house do you make them stay on the porch. Maybe you do but the polite correct thing is residents take our bike to town. Employees ride a bus to town and visitors park clost to town and enjoy what has been built for there enjoyment. Can you imagine a summer with no visitors on the beach. It sounds great until the next year when all of the shops that rely on them leave. We do not want our city to by like Huntington. But with your attitute the small town feel will leave. Think of out temp guest as just that. Treat them as a guest. Then, enjoy the rest of the year without them here.


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