Letter: Community Turns Out For Arnold Hano


Laguna was, and always will be, lucky Arnold and Bonnie Hano settled here in 1955. I first met Arnold in the late 1970s, and immediately was impressed. Not because he was a prolific writer or rooted for the underdog, but because he had a keen sense of purpose. In my opinion, Arnold and Bonnie rank up there with Laguna giants like Anna Hills and William Wendt, Eiler “The Greeter” Larsen and Skipper “Have a home run day” Carrillo. Each in her or his own way appealed to people’s better instincts. The same is true for Arnold and Bonnie. As a lasting tribute to their commitment to Laguna, I hope a statue will be erected in their honor someday.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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