Letter: Laguna Beach Democratic Club Board endorses Kempf and Rounaghi


The Laguna Beach Democratic Club wishes to correct the record regarding inaccurate and offensive comments by Councilmember George Weiss toward two endorsed Democratic City Council candidates. As seen before, Weiss has disseminated false accusations and deceptive assertions to his email list. It is substandard practice for Weiss to polarize residents and the City Council via email in his attempt to promote his ballot measure. It is unacceptable in campaigning and in conducting city business. Laguna Beach Democratic Club is proud to endorse our fellow Democrats, Sue Kempf and Alex Rounaghi for City Council. They will work for all Laguna Beach residents.

Gwen McNallan, Peggy Wolff, Ketta Brown, Deborah Engle, Lara Horgan, Mary Carter, Adam Redding-Kaufman and Nia Evans – Laguna Beach Democratic Club Board

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