Letter Round-Up: Support for Blue City Network


Certifying Laguna Beach as Ocean Friendly

This article about Rich German certifying cities as ocean-friendly is really amazing and it will be great for this wonderful work to be recognized. I am a Laguna resident and I live on Cliff Drive.   I wish Laguna to be an example to other coastal cities which they will model. Let’s show other coastline cities how to protect their coastline. Let’s see Laguna go blue! Thank you,

Steve and Stacey Lewis, Laguna Beach

Bravo to Rich – Turn Laguna Blue

I saw your article on Rich German. When we moved to Laguna five years ago we heard about “that guy that paddleboards everyday” and started following him on social media. For years he has brought us and all his followers a glimpse at the Laguna Beach State Marine Reserve Conservation Area and its abundantly rich ecosystem.

Knowing that Blue City Network would bring Laguna together with other cities in their dedication to healthy waterways is inspiring. As a protector of our local ocean, it seems like Laguna should be part of this network and an example to other local cities like Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, and Imperial Beach are already doing.

The seven-day Epic Ocean Challenge sounds like a good way to educate us all on ways we can make a difference as well. Thanks,

Jen Roop, Laguna Beach

Blue City Network

Barbara McMurray’s article on Rich German’s efforts was massively inspiring. How can we get our city certified? Please put me on the list of volunteers to make this happen.

I can think of no better cause to get behind and hope you can mobilize the power of the press in calling on the appropriate city officials and it’s residents to support this cause. It’s sort of a dream come true to have a local that eats, sleeps, and walks all things ocean to usher in a better place to live.


Janet Kane, Laguna Beach

Certify Our city of Laguna Beach

My name is Lori Scott and I live here in Laguna Beach. I’m wanting to keep our town and oceans clean, so every chance I can I will hop on my paddleboard or walk around Heisler Park and pick up trash. I think it would be great if we get Laguna certified through the Blue City organization because we as a whole  do a lot in Laguna Beach to keep it clean. I appreciate the ladies and gentlemen that work for the city in picking up trash through the week. Please be a part of the blue city network.

Your ocean loving citizen,

Lori Scott, Laguna Beach

Blue Cities

What a fabulous idea! I want to salute Rich German and his team for building a “blue” platform for protecting our seas. Imagine a string of Blue Certified Cities ringing our globe, all committed to criteria to keep our oceans safe and maintain their health. I hope the City jumps on this, and that Laguna Beach is one of the first Southern California cities to garner such recognition.

As a former member of the Laguna Beach Environmental Committee, and the author of the draft Ocean Element, I support the Blue City ideal.


Catharine Cooper, Laguna Beach

Blue City Certification

I saw the article about the Blue City certification and would love to see Laguna in the program. As a resident who has grown up here and has recently returned, I am proud of our city and would love to see us continue to strive for greatness as a marine sanctuary.

Thank you,

Eden Radovich, Laguna Beach

Blue City Network

I am excited to see Laguna Beach move to be certified in the Blue City Network. Protecting the ocean has always been our city’s priority.

James Levin, Laguna Beach

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