Letter: The Tourists Will Come


letters to the editorBy land, by air, and by sea, they will come. Our city government stares at our General Plan Circulation Element (45 years neglected), while placating residents with an 80-page brochure proclaimed the Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan (a bureaucrat’s dream if ever). It seems that our director of public works truly believes by adding enough chicken-strips, parking passes, the Village Entrance, Frog Parking and Trolley Apps, we can twiddle the knobs to accommodate 7 million tourists in parking spaces for 2,900. That is the maturity of Laguna Beach’s best Mobility Transition Plan. Get a clue city hall—complete the streets. Here’s a place to start: lagunastreets.blogspot.com/2015/05/la-planning-commission-reviews-mobility.html.

Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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