Local Papers are Important



Some of the local papers have had important articles recently.  There were reports on a planned new study about widening the horrible two-lane bottleneck in Laguna Canyon from Forest Avenue to El Toro road.  With just two lanes, it only takes one slow driver, a looky lou, or accident to cause all these daily never ending delays and dangers. This long overdue widening is the second most important thing for Laguna residents and visitors.

The most important is at long last getting a useable view preservation ordinance. The proposed new view ordinance is now in its final planning stages.  Will the proposed view ordinance be any good? It will be if the committee and council meet the four simple goals I gave them. Those four goals are: the ordinance must be fair, effective, enforceable by the city, and economical to use.

There were also good articles on Congressman Rohrabacher’s recent meetings in Laguna.  Congressman Rohrabacher is a real patriot and is not afraid to say and do what is right for us and the country.

Another important report was that some of the City Council are pushing to use competitive bidding for city cervices instead of single sourcing services. Competitive bidding by outside contractors in the only economical way to assure that the taxpayers are getting effective services at the least cost.  Keep up the good reporting, local papers and the Stu’s news web site.  We busy citizens need all this type of information.


Dave Connell, Laguna Beach

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