Making Your Vote an Informed One



On Nov. 6 we will be exercising our right to participate in the democratic process by voting for not only school board members and city council members, but also for state and national officers.  Good citizens are informed citizens.

Making better information available is the goal of the Laguna Beach Branches of AAUW, League of Women Voters, and the Woman’s Club. These non-partisan organizations will be sponsoring candidates’ forums to which all are invited to meet the candidates, listen to their views, and question them about issues which are important to those who will be the constituents of the persons elected.

For this election, reapportionment has changed our districts. Our former incumbents for the offices of state Assembly, state Senate, and Congress of the United States are running in other districts. In Laguna we have no incumbent for any of those offices.  And knowing Laguna as I do, we are not a group of push-overs who will vote for a candidate simply because he or she has a “D” or an “R” after his or her name.

During the primary season, these groups held a candidates’ forum for the office of state Assembly.  Those who attended have a good idea of how the person elected in November will support or oppose our own personal interests.

Two dates are confirmed. A forum for City Council candidates will be held at our Council Chamber at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 12.  At 7 p.m. the following week, Oct. 19, a forum will be held for the 48th Congressional District with candidates Dana Rohrabacker and Ron Varasteh.  All are invited to attend.

Good citizens are informed citizens.


Jean Raun, Laguna Beach

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