Nick’s Serves Up Big Portions for Schoolpower


SchoolPower’s 18th Annual Golf Classic has a lot to brag about: a helicopter drop raffle, two great bands, a scenic and challenging golf course, great food, and Nick’s Laguna Beach restaurant on their menu.

Nick’s joined SchoolPower’s Business Alliance as a gold level member and a tournament ace sponsor with a $12,000 donation. By joining as such a significant SchoolPower Golf Classic sponsor, they have shown a level of commitment that is truly inspiring.  “We are very grateful for Nick’s generosity and excited to have them as partners. Plus their food is great!” said SchoolPower vice president, Marcus Skenderian.

SchoolPower’s Business Alliance supporters are recognized at all SchoolPower events and ads.

For more info program please go to or call 949-494-6811

Photo by Samantha Washer

Schoolpower supporters at Nick’s restaurant, front row from left, Mike Austin, Brian Harrington, Porfirio Feregrino, Kim Ressler and Garrett West; back row, Nick Cozens, Adam Castinetti, Nicholas Nickoloff, Luis Valladares, Douglas Parsen, Corey Klass and Marcus Skenderian.


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