Opposing Open Space Initiative



We just heard about the open space initiative through another property owner in Laguna. Why weren’t the property owners notified and given the vote since they would be asked to pay? We are currently leasing our home to a fine tenant and live in Lake Arrowhead and aren’t even given a vote on this initiative.

There is no indication which parcels are under speculation to buy. How hard is it to show a parcel map of the city and let us know which undeveloped parcels they are talking about?   

Apparently these parcels aren’t proposed for development at this time. Are they undesirable areas that would never be built on anyway? Of this “undeveloped land”, how many are lots owned by individuals?  Are these hillsides even zoned for development in the future? No one is informing the landowners of Laguna Beach. 

We’re not against open space but we are against the way “they” are going about acquiring the land. 

Why weren’t the property owners sent a letter, (which we never received), given specifics and asked their opinion before spending all this money for a special election? $50,000 (5%) yearly of our tax dollars will go to the oversight committee, with additional costs of accounting fees, realtor and escrow fees, attorney fees, weed abatement and maintenance fees, property taxes on unimproved land, and the cost of the parcel! 

This smacks of fraud and corruption. We wonder if a class action lawsuit is too soon to think about?

Jack and Valerie Immel, Lake Arrowhead

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